The Margherita von Brentano Center at the Freie Universität Berlin invites you to the following workshop:
Methoden in der Geschlechterforschung // Methods in Gender Studies
April 27-28th 2018, 10:00-16:00
Facilitator: Dr. Katja Hericks*
Gender is so deeply rooted in the social, in our language, our perception, identity and feelings that it can be very challenging to break the construction in our research.
How do I recognize a man when I look at him? How do I ascribe heterosexuality? When is gender irrelevant for interactions? How do I elucidate gender substructures in websites and organizations?
In order to overcome these challenges and solve the methodological issues related to these questions, in the workshop we will work with empirical problems from the participants themselves. In this manner, we honor the long tradition in which the methods and theories of the Gender Studies were always developed in relation to one another. This reflection on the reciprocal relation between theory as a starting point, the methods we use, and the outcome of the research is a quality requirement for dissertations. The workshop offers support in this regard as well as a space for discussion.
The two-day workshop is directed primarily at PhD candidates of the Freie Universität Berlin that research on gender-related themes. If you want to participate, send us a one-page description of your project and up to 10 pages of material that you would like to discuss to Deadline for applications is March 15th 2018.
We will choose 5 to 10 applications as an example and create a diverse corpus of text/material for the workshop. After an introduction to Gender Studies and Methods, the group will work empirically on the material selected. In the process, Dr. Katja Hericks will explain different methods, answer questions and offer research design suggestions.
Master students interested in gender-related themes are welcome to apply and attend the workshop if there are places available. PhD candidates that do not work with gender questions, but would like to learn more in order to apply a gender perspective in their research, are welcome under the same conditions.
The application can be written in German or English. The language for the workshop will be determined by the group and can be German, English or a combination of both.
The selected participants will be notified by March 30th 2018 and receive a Reader with material for the workshop and access to the selected material for the corpus. Both the reader and the selected material from the other participants are required reading for the workshop.
*Dr. Katja Hericks is Gender and Organizational Sociologist at Universität Potsdam where she also lectures on qualitative methods, with focus on ethnography and grounded theory. Some of her publications are the ethnographical study „Entkoppelt und Institutionalisiert“ (2011 in Springer VS) and (together with Regine Gildemeister) „Geschlechtersoziologie – theoretische Zugänge zu einer vertrackten Kategorie des Sozialen“ (2012 in Oldenbourg).