Gender Lunch Talk: Gender and Power in Eastern Europe. Changing Concepts of Femininity and Masculinity in Power Relations (Buchpräsentation)
Gender Lunch Talk, 04.11.2021
Bildquelle: Cedis FU Berlin
Das Margherita-von-Brentano-Zentrum präsentiert im Wintersemester 2021/22 erneut im Online-Format an vier Terminen Projekte und Neuerscheinungen aus dem Bereich der Geschlechterforschung der Freien Universität Berlin.
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The book explores the contradictory development of gender roles in Central and Eastern Europe including Russia. In light of the social changes that followed the collapse of communism and the rise of new conservatism in Eastern Europe, it studies new forms of gender relationships and reassesses the status quo of female empowerment. Moreover, leading scholars in gender studies discuss how right-wing populism and conservative movements have affected sociopolitical discourses and concepts related to gender roles, rights, and attitudes, and how Western feminism in the 1990s may have contributed to this conservative turn. Mainly focusing on power constellations and gender, the book is divided into four parts: the first explores the history of and recent trends in feminist movements in Eastern Europe, while the second highlights the dynamics and conflicts that gained momentum after neoconservative parties gained political power in post-socialist countries. In turn, the third part discusses new empowerment strategies and changes in gender relationships. The final part illustrates the identities, roles, and concepts of masculinity created in the sociocultural and political context of Eastern Europe.
Prof. Dr. Katharina Bluhm will present the book that she has co-edited with Gertrud Pickhan Justyna Stypińska, Agnieszka Wierzcholska.
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Meeting-Kennnummer: 2730 056 1549
Passwort: y6ZcZMP3HK9
Zeit & Ort
04.11.2021 | 12:30 - 13:30
Webex Meeting
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