Abgesagt! Gender Lunch Talks | Fighting for the River: Gender, Body, and Agency in Environmental Struggles
Abgesagt! Gender Lunch Talks, 30.11.2023
Bildquelle: CeDiS FU Berlin
Dr. Özge Yaka (Institut für Geographische Wissenschaften)
Fighting for the River portrays women's intimate, embodied relationships with river waters and explores how those relationships embolden local communities' resistance to private run-of-the-river hydroelectric power plants in Turkey. Building on extensive ethnographic research, Özge Yaka develops a body-centered, phenomenological approach to women's environmental activism and combines it with a relational ontological perspective. In this way, the book pushes beyond the “natural resources” frame to demonstrate how our corporeal connection to nonhuman entities is constitutive of our more-than-human lifeworld. Fighting for the River takes the human body as a starting point to explore the connection between lived experience and nonhuman environments, treating bodily senses and affects as the media of more-than-human connectivity and political agency. Analyzing local environmental struggles as struggles for coexistence, Yaka frames human-nonhuman relationality as a matter of socio-ecological justice.
Teilnahme unter: https://fu-berlin.webex.com/fu-berlin/j.php?MTID=m57037c00cd7782878d2e42d8edb723e7
Meeting-Kennnummer (Zugriffscode): 2733 100 3183
Meeting Passwort: 3bSz9i3mK3C
Oder im Raum KL 29/135, Freie Universität Berlin, Rost- und Silberlaube