CfP: COLLECTIVE VISION International Online Student Workshop on Gender & Sexuality Studies
SVR Gender Studies and Margherita von Brentano Center for Gender Studies, FU Berlin presented the opening panel of our workshop COLLECTIVE VISION on July 16, 2021. Writing can be hard, lonely, and underappreciated. Taking up the theme of collective writing and collaboration, we aim to trouble the preconception of writing as the loneliest of tasks and focus on contemporary and collective modes of writing in research, art, and literature. Bringing together a group of interdisciplinary writers interested in gender and sexuality, we will think together about research, writing, and publishing. The panel discussion considered writing from queer perspective and explore some of the practical, structural, conceptual and creative aspects of writing, revising and organizing collectively.

OpenMic Posterausstellung #4GenderStudies, 9.-20.12.2024
Bildquelle: CeDiS FU Berlin

Aktionstage „Nein heißt Nein“, 22.-25.11.2022
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Diversity, Racism and the Broken Promise of Inclusion in German Higher Education
Bildquelle: Cedis FU Berlin

Wissenschaftstag #4GenderStudies
Bildquelle: afg berlin

Panel Discussion Collective (RE)VISION
Bildquelle: Xiaoji Song

Bildquelle: transcript Verlag

Online-Podiumsdiskussion (Anti-)Rassismus an Hochschulen
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#4GenderStudies: Building Transnational Feminist Solidarities in Academia
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Contemporary Challenges to Gender Studies in Germany and Turkey
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Plakat „Aktionstag gegen sexualisierte Belästigung, Diskriminierung und Gewalt an der Universität“
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Programm Workshop #genderstudies 28.06.2019
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Workshop #PRGENDER 16.11.2018 Mindmap
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Plakat „Perspectives and Discourses on Sexual Harassment in International Higher Education Contexts“
Bildquelle: Hintergrund des Plakats: Fotografie von MyStock.Photos. Veröffentlicht auf Pexels, lizensiert unter Creative Commons Zero (CC0).

Programm #4genderstudies ...und jetzt weiter
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Workshop „The Future(s) of Feminist Philosophy“
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Girl’s Day
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Plakat Gedenkkolloquium für Gertraude Krell
Bildquelle: privat

Die Sieger_innen des Videowettbewerbs 2016 „Vielfalt an der FU“ mit der Kanzlerin Dr. Andrea Bör
Bildquelle: Regina Sablotny

Handbook on Equal Opportunities in the Egyptian Higher Education System
Bildquelle: Heike Pantelmann, Sabine Schwarz

Apl. Prof. Dr. Cornelia Klinger
Bildquelle: Christian Demarco