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Poster Exhibition as part of the Science Day #4GenderStudies

Project Author Institution

Middle School Students’ Conceptions of
Normality and Normativity in Biology Education (Poster) (YouTube-Video)

Anthony Benzig Didactics of Biology

As Women, as a Country. Gendered Participation in
Nationalist Movements? (Poster) (YouTube-Video)

Johannes Heß SCRIPTS
Abortion Law and Political Regimes (Poster) (YouTube-Video) Nikolina Klatt SCRIPTS
Dressing the Self (Poster) (YouTube-Video) Henrike Kraul Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology 
The Voyaging Venuses: Brazilian Travesti, Transformista and Drag Queen Artists in the German Travestieshow (1960-today) (Poster) (YouTube-Video) Ruby Mascarenhas Neto Institute for Latin American Studies
(Re)imagining the nation: the politics of abortion in Northern Ireland (Poster) (YouTube-Video)

Katherine McGrory

Otto-Suhr-Institute of Political Sciences
Constructing an Identity: Understanding Differences in Gender Equality Approaches between Mercosur and the Andean Community (Poster) (YouTube-Video)

Andrea D. Miranda Avilés

Otto-Suhr-Institute of Political Sciences
Affective publics and diversity in media discourse on the October 2018 migrant caravans (Poster) (YouTube-Video) Antonio Romero Institute for Media and Communication Studies

Promoting a Contemporary Image of Entrepreneurial Careers: A Course Concept to Address Gender Role Stereotypes Through Entrepreneurship Education (Poster) (YouTube-Video)

Janina Sundermeier/
Conny Steenblock
Department of Information Systems

Land, Identity & Collective Action: A Decolonial Intersectionality Analysis of Land Justice Discourses in Morocco (Poster) (YouTube-Video)

Jihad Yagoubi Otto-Suhr-Institute of Political Sciences
Gender. Power. Food. Socio-ecological Transformation and unheard Voices of Rural Women in Food Movements in Germany (Poster) Lea Loretta Zentgraf  University of Heidelberg | Center for Ibero-American Studies / Freie Universität Berlin | Institute for Latin American Studies