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Margherita von Brentano Center
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Margherita von Brentano Center
About Us
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About Us
Former employees of MvBZ
Prof. Dr. Martin Lücke
Annika Ziegler
Kai Münch
Tamara Doreen Teuber
Vanessa Kyrion
Svenja Efinger
Sophie Jossi-Silverstein
Lina Knorr
Nora Schmidt, PhD
Inga Nüthen
Nina Lawrenz
Hannah Beeck
Melanie Bittner
Dr. Jennifer Chan
Dr. Tanja Wälty
Canan Denli
Andreas Heinrich
Rainer Hoffmann
Caroline Jebens
Dr. Anita Runge
Gregory Rupik
Hannah-Sophie Schüz
Marianne Seidig M.A. (prom.)
Sarah Staeck
Marcel Wrzesinski
Organizational Structure
Board of Directors
Advisory Board
Research Project Team (previously the Board of Directors of the Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies)
Local Gender Equality Officer of the Margherita von Brentano Center
Prof. Dr. Gülay Çağlar
Dr. Heike Pantelmann
PD Dr. Susanne Lettow
Dr. Sabina García Peter
Dr. Sarah Bellows-Blakely
Prof. Dr. Dorothy Ebere Adimora
Dr. Jana Gerlach
Claudia Sommer
Marija Bule
Dr. Kathrin Ganz
Sabrina Schotten
Abibi Stewart
Kai Münch
Franziska Lisa-Marie Wohlfarth
Annika Ziegler
Dilara Aksoy
Documentation of our Events
International Workshop: The Future(s) of Feminist Philosophy. Challenges, Paradoxes and Utopias in a Fragmented World, Freie Universität Berlin, June 16-17, 2017
Award Ceremony of the Margherita von Brentano Prize 2021
Award Ceremony of the Margherita von Brentano Prize 2023
Book Release "Intersektionale Sozialforschung" (Kathrin Ganz / Jette Hausotter)
Event series "Diversity, Racism and the Broken Promise of Inclusion in German Higher Education"
Online Workshop #4GenderStudies: Building Transnational Feminist Solidarities in Academia
Online-Podiumsdiskussion (Anti-)Rassismus an Hochschulen
Open Mic GeschlechterForschUng: 10 x 7,5=75 Jahre FU! on 20.06.2023
Verleihung des Margherita-von-Brentano-Preises 2019
Presentation of the “Handbook on Equal Opportunities in the Egyptian Higher Education System”
Research Poster Session on “Doing Gender/Intersectional Research in International Contexts”
Media Library
Audio Recordings
Print Materials
Map of the Margherita von Brentano Center’s Location
ZEFG Archive
Archive of the IZG
Archive of GenderNet
Impressum gemäß § 5 TMG/ § 55 RStV
About Margherita von Brentano
Margherita von Brentano Prize
Current Collaborations
Kooperation mit der Zeitschrift Debate Feminista (UNAM, Mexiko)
TRAFO-Blog for Transregional Research
Transnational research cooperation “Sexual Harassment in Higher Education Contexts”
Workshop #4GenderStudies … und jetzt weiter: Positionierung und Forschungsentwicklung (in) der Geschlechterforschung
Cooperation with the Instituto de Estudios de la Mujer de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
22. Arbeitstagung der Konferenz der Einrichtungen für Frauen- und Geschlechterstudien im deutschsprachigen Raum
Una Europa Gender and Equality Network (UGEN)
MvBZ at the Indian Institute of Technology in Mumbai
Collaboration in Brazil
MvBZ on a Fact-Finding Mission to Western University in Baku, Azerbaidjan
The Margherita von Brentano Center: Report on ERASMUS+ Stay at Nanjing University and Visit to Beijing University
Archive Collaborations
Support of Early Career Researchers
forum* gender
Databases of Early Career Researchers and Projects
'Seed Money' for Projects in the field of Gender Studies
Preparing for Doctoral Studies at Freien Universität
Portal “The Gender Studies Databases”, Compiled by the Margherita von Brentano Center
International Guests
International Guests
International Guest Professorship
Academic Residencies at the Margherita von Brentano Center or at Freie Universität Berlin
Geschlechterforschung an der FU Berlin
Main Focus "Sexual Harassment, Discrimination and Violence in Higher Education Contexts"
Entry form "Experiences with Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination in Academic Spaces/Workplaces"
Lectures | Workshops
MvBZ Events | Teaching | International Project Meetings
SFB/Transregio 294 Subproject “Eigentum am menschlichen Körper im Kontext transnationaler Reproduktionsökonomien“
German Research Foundation Project “Genealogy and Belonging: Concepts of Reproduction, Descent and Kinship in Post-Kantian Naturphilosophie”
Focus Areas and Projects
MvBZ Series of Lectures
Standpunkte. Feministische Philosoph:innen im Gespräch
MvBZ Visiting Scholars Workshops
Series of Lectures “Gender Lunch Talks“
Series of Lectures "Joint Sessions in Feminist Theory"
Open MIC as part of the #4GenderStudies Poster Exhibition
General Professional Skills Courses (ABV) in the skill area of Gender and Diversity Awareness
Gender & Diversity Awareness Modules
ABV Courses Currently Offered
Blog ABV Gender & Diversity Awareness
Why Gender and Diversity?
Frequently Asked Questions
Agenda - Catalog of Lectures in Gender and Diversity Studies
Toolbox Gender und Diversity in der Lehre
Pool of Teaching Assignments
Gender, Queerness, and Intersectionality in University-Level Teaching
Science Communication
GenderOpen: A Repository for Gender Studies Research
Open Gender Journal
DFG project launched at Freie Universität Berlin and University of Cologne - joint funding as part of KOALA Social Sciences starting 2023
Open Gender Platform
Publication Support in Gender Studies: Objectives and Projects
AG Publikationen in der Fachgesellschaft Gender Studies beschließt den Aufbau eines Megajournals zur Geschlechterforschung
Findings in Women’s and Gender Studies at Freie Universität Berlin
querelles-net. Journal of Book Reviews in Women’s and Gender Studies
QJB (Querelles: Yearbook of Women's and Gender Studies)
Science Day #4GenderStudies
Projektbericht Seminar "Geschlechterpolitik in der Wissenschaftskommunikation" (SoSe 2023)
Video Series "Gender Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin- a Portrait"
Arbeitsstelle Gender | Body | Sexuality am Institut für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie
Department Sociology with Focus on Gender Studies | Institute of Sociology
Department Wirtschaftsinformatik - Arbeitsbereich Betriebswirtschaftslehre, inbs. Digital Entrepreneurship und Diversity
Division Gender & Diversity at the OSI of Political Science
Division Journalism Studies at the Institute for Media and Communication Studies
LAI | Ancient American Studies, Cultural and Social Anthropology, Gender Studies | MA in Interdisciplin Studies | Research Training Group "Temporalities of Future"
MINT | Department of Physics and Department of Biology, Chemistry & Pharmacy
The Margherita von Brentano Center for Gender Studies
Calls for Proposals
Job advertisements
Dates and Events
Poster Exhibition as part of the Science Day #4GenderStudies
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