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Documentation of our Events

Open Mic as part of the #4GenderStudies Poster Exhibition

PhD students, postdocs and research assistants of the FU had the opportunity to present their research in a poster exhibition. The event has been recorded and can be viewed on the MvBZ YouTube channel.

Award Ceremony of the Margherita von Brentano Prize 2023

On January 23, 2024, the Margherita von Brentano Prize 2023 was awarded in a ceremony. The prize, which has been awarded by the Executive Board of the Freie Universität Berlin since 1995 for special achievements in gender research and gender equality, was awarded to Dr. Mechthild Koreuber, former Central Gender Equality Officer of Freie Universität Berlin.

Aktionstage: „Nein heißt Nein – gemeinsam gegen sexualisierte Gewalt“

On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on November 25, the MvBZ in cooperation with the team of the Office of the Gender Equality Officer of Freie Universität Berlin participated again in the annual day of remembrance and action and organized several days of action, with which they called to stop violence against women and to share more responsibility.

Event series "Diversity, Racism and the Broken Promise of Inclusion in German Higher Education"

This series of events aims at contributing to the debates around racism and diversity in German Higher Education from a variety of perspectives that include the possibilities and limits of intersectional data collection for making exclusion mechanisms visible; the relationship between the non-inclusive vision of excellence and diversity; the saliency of selected elements of internationalization in relation to diversity and the possibilities that the classroom might be a learning space as well as a safe space and a space of resistance.

Science and Action Day #4GenderStudies 2021 | 16.12.2021 | 16:00-18:00 Uhr (CET)

For the fifth time, the Day of Action and Science Day #4Genderstudies took place on 18.12.2021. In Berlin we participated again in 2021 and focused on the theme "Feminist Solidarities". As part of the Science and Action Day #4GenderStudies, we organized the event "The Present and Future of Women and Gender Studies in Afghanistan" which was held as a Special Issue of the Transnational Feminist Dialogues on December 16th, 2021.

CfP: COLLECTIVE VISION International Online Student Workshop on Gender & Sexuality Studies

SVR Gender Studies and Margherita von Brentano Center for Gender Studies, FU Berlin presented the opening panel of our workshop COLLECTIVE VISION on July 16, 2021. Writing can be hard, lonely, and underappreciated. Taking up the theme of collective writing and collaboration, we aim to trouble the preconception of writing as the loneliest of tasks and focus on contemporary and collective modes of writing in research, art, and literature. Bringing together a group of interdisciplinary writers interested in gender and sexuality, we will think together about research, writing, and publishing. The panel discussion considered writing from queer perspective and explore some of the practical, structural, conceptual and creative aspects of writing, revising and organizing collectively.

Book Release "Intersektionale Sozialforschung" (Kathrin Ganz / Jette Hausotter)

"Intersektionale Sozialforschung" (transcript, 2020)
– also as Open Access
Kathrin Ganz / Jette Hausotter

Time & Place
16.12.2020 | 4:00 - 5:30 pm (CET)
Cisco Webex Meeting

Three books "Intersektionale Sozialforschung" will be raffled off among the participants!

Online-Podiumsdiskussion (Anti-)Rassismus an Hochschulen

Welche Rolle spielen Hochschulen im aktuellen Diskurs über Rassismus? Wie wirkt institutioneller Rassismus an Hochschulen? Welche antirassistischen Forderungen und Initiativen gibt es?
Die Podiumsdiskussion am 15.12.20, bei der diese Fragen diskutiert wurden, war Teil der Aktivitäten zum Wissenschaftstag #4Gender Studies. Dieser fand 2020 bereits zum vierten Mal deutschlandweit rund um den 18. Dezember statt.

Online Workshop #4GenderStudies: Building Transnational Feminist Solidarities in Academia

On the eve of the fourth edition of the Science Day #4GenderStudies (December 18, 2020), the Margherita von Brentano Center for Gender Studies (MvBZ) offered an online workshop. The idea of the Science Day #4GenderStudies started in 2017 with the intention to show Gender Studies in all its diversity and to portray its scientific potential at the academic and social level. In 2020, the workshop is set to strengthen the international networks of Gender Studies, as well as solidarity and agency as an academic and scientific community.

Contemporary Challenges to Gender Studies in Germany and Turkey

Since winter term 2019/20, a cooperation with Prof. Dr. Hülya Adak from Sabancı University of Istanbul, who was visiting professor of Turkic Studies at Freie Universität Berlin in winter term 2019/20, has been established. The aim is a long-term cooperation between the Gender Research Center SU Gender of Sabancı University and the MvBZ. A first joint meeting took place on 14 February 2020. The meeting included two internal workshops on Sexual Harassment, Discrimination and Violence as well as Gender and Diversity Awareness trainings and a major public event entitled "Contemporary Challenges to Gender Studies in Germany and Turkey".

Day of Action against Sexual Harassment, Discrimination and Violence in Higher Education Contexts 2020

On February 7, 2020, the "Action Day against Sexual Harassment, Discrimination and Violence in Higher Education Contexts" took place on the Dahlem campus. Within the framework of this action day, a poster exhibition was shown, which students had developed on the topic in the context of the ABV seminar "#MeToo and the University" in winter semester 2019/20.

Workshop #4genderstudies: nachhaltige Strategien?!“ am 28.06.2019

Das Margherita-von-Brentano-Zentrum lädt ein, am 28. Juni 2019 eine Bilanz des Wissenschaftstages 2018 zu ziehen und über nachhaltige Strategien für die Zukunft nachzudenken und zu diskutieren. Dabei soll insbesondere der Frage nachgegangen werden, wie Wissenschaftskommunikation in der Geschlechterforschung bzw. zu feministischen Themen insbesondere in Social Media gelingen kann.

Research Poster Session on “Doing Gender/Intersectional Research in International Contexts”

During the International Week 2019, the Margherita von Brentano Center for Gender Studies organized a Research Poster Session on the Topic “Doing Gender/Intersectional Research in International Contexts”

Workshop #PR4GENDER: Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für die Gender Studies am 16.11.2018

Unter dem Motto #PR4Gender veranstaltete das Margherita-von-Brentano-Zentrum unter Leitung von Dr. Miriam Stehling einen Workshop, um Maßnahmen und Taktiken der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für den Aktionstag #4genderstudies am 18.12.2018 zu erarbeiten und übergreifend abzustimmen.

International Conference “Perspectives and Discourses on Sexual Harassment in International Higher Education Contexts”, 13.–15.06.2018

In cooperation with the Institute for Latin American Studies, the Margherita von Brentano Center organized the international conference “Perspectives and Discourses on Sexual Harassment in International Higher Education Contexts”, June 13th to 15th 2018. It welcomed speakers and guests from the following countries: Brasil, Costa Rica, India, Colombia, Japan, Mexico, Peru, and South Korea.

Workshop #4genderstudies … und jetzt weiter: Positionierung und Forschungsentwicklung (in) der Geschlechterforschung am 13.04.2018

Das Margherita-von-Brentano-Zentrum veranstaltete in Kooperation mit der Fachgesellschaft Geschlechterstudien am 13.4.2018 einen Workshop, bei dem die im Vorfeld des Wissenschaftstages #4genderstudies am 18.12.2018 geführte Diskussion um die Positionierung der Geschlechterforschung innerhalb einer digitalisierten medialen Öffentlichkeit unter den aktuellen politischen Bedingungen fortgesetzt wurde.

Workshop: The Future(s) of Feminist Philosophy, 2017

What are the future(s) of feminist philosophy, and how can the multiple traditions and branches of feminist philosophy contribute to a livable world? On June 16-17, 2017 the workshop ‘The Future(s) of Feminist Philosophy. Challenges, Paradoxes and Utopias in a Fragmented World’, organized by the Margherita von Brentano Centre in cooperation with the International Association of Women Philosophers, was held at Freie Universität Berlin.

Girl’s Day on 27.4.2017

The MvBZ offered a workshop on the occasion of the annual Girl’s Day. This year's Girl's Day focused on the concept of Diversity and its implications at Universities. 18 girls aged between 14 and 16 years took part in the event.

Commemorating Colloquium for Gertraude Krell

On the occasion of the rememberance of Gertraude Krell (18.4.1952 – 5.1.2016), a colloquium was held at Freie Universität Berlin.

Video Competition “Diversity at FU” 2016

The short film “Diversity and its perception at Freie Universität Berlin”, emerged from the Genereal Professional Skills Course “Diversity Managment” (30342), won the award of the video competition of Freie Universität Berlin in December 2016.

Presentation of th “Handbook on Equal Opportunities in the Egyptian Higher Education System“ in Cairo

The “Handbook on Equal Opportunities in the Egyptian Higher Education System” was presented in Cairo on September 28, 2016. The Handbook was published in English/Arabic.

Transnational Feminist Dialogues on Science, Technology and Society

This series focused on some of the most relevant debates on matters related to science, technology and society that require a feminist analysis and discussion.

Festliche Eröffnung des Margherita-von-Brentano-Zentrums

The Margherita von Brentano Center celebrated its inauguration on 9th of July of 2016 at "Harnack-Haus. The Conference Venue of the Max Planck Society". Please find the documentation (in German) as well as a photo gallery here.